2555 Progress Street Vista, CA 92081
Phone | 760-599-9280
Fax | 760-599-9281

Our extensive machining capabilities are ready to handle any size job, quickly and efficiently

DMOC offers advanced pattern making to complete product fabrication with five (5) high-end CNC machines with multiple spindles, a large production area, short leads, and quick turnaround. These are both 3-axis and 5-axis machines so that we can cost-effectively support your easy projects and cost-effectively manage your most complicated projects.

Our machines operate with multiple spindles, and spindle speeds from 2,000 to 24,000 RPM. We can additionally manufacture with tolerances up to +/- 0.005mm.

Our team and machines can tackle small to large jobs with our largest 5-axis machine providing 10’x16′ job-size capabilities for more advanced and technical machining needs.

What Can We Do To Help?

If you would like information about pricing and delivery, someone from DMOC will contact you shortly.

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